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For retail
Main / Solutions
The Russian retail business features are the loyalty of law to consumers and the inevident business risks. Many years of experience in consulting and supporting retail companies have allowed us to create the product for B2C business support.

We concentrate on the specific business segment of luxury and premium goods and services. We support such businesses from the store launch to the full operational activities.
Support of product commercializing (compliance with technical regulations, marking, service instructions, warranty, advertising)
Compliance with regulatory requirements for retail business (shopping space, information to be provided to the consumer)
Liaison with the Rospotrebnadzor (Russian Federal Service for the Oversight of Consumer Protection and Welfare)
Pretrial claims
Personnel coaching, chat-bots (internal and consumer)
Risk management: developing policies and procedures, implementing internal control systems, financial liability, fraud prevention (shop floor/stockroom/checkout), legal support of inventory and product destruction procedures
Marketing and client events legal support
Clients’ personal data processing in CRM
Salaries & bonuses for retail staff