
The latest autumn legal news


1. Electronic signature (E-Sign) – several amendments at once

  • Electronic document exchange with foreign counterparties has become available. Under the new rules a foreign E-Sign can be recognized valid in Russia. The parties need to sign an agreement and confirm the E-Sign with the accredited trusted third party or in the certification center.
  • Employees can use personal E-Sign only, not a corporate one with a company’s requisites. One must attach a machine-readable power of attorney to verify powers to sign documents on behalf of the company.
  • An advanced qualified E-Sign officially issued by the Federal Tax Service has become available for Heads of branches or representative offices of foreign companies. Along with the standard set of documents it is additionally required to submit a notarized power of attorney with the power to obtain an E-Sign in Russia.
  • The new obligation to destroy expired E-Signs. The destruction procedure has not been determined yet.

2. E-mail address will no longer be used for authorization

Russian website users will only have 4 options of registration since December 01, 2023:

  • By phone number with Russian telecom operator
  • Via Gosuslugi
  • Via the Unified Biometric System
  • Via the special IT system owned by the Russian entity

Users previously signed up using e-mail will have to update account details.


1. Fines for employment without a military ID card

Employers can be fined for hiring a person in failure to provide miliary registration documents.
The highest fine for officials is up to 20.000 rubles, for legal entities – up to 100.000 rubles.

2. Remote work on a parental leave

Employees can apply for a part-time job or a home-based work during the parental leave to keep their social allowance. A remote work which is more precisely described in law might become available for such employees according to the draft law.
2023-10-02 20:45