
Additional measures in response to sanctions

On 01.03.2022 a Presidential Decree on the additional temporary economic measures was issued, according to which:

Since 02.03.2022 several transactions with foreign companies and individuals from unfriendly states may be conducted only under the permission of the Governmental commission. This concerns:

- loans and credits to the foreigners;
- crediting currency to the accounts (deposits) abroad by Russians and currency transfers without opening a bank account.
using electronic means of payment
- securities and real estate transactions. This includes transactions under which securities and real estate have been transferred from foreigners from unfriendly states to foreigner from friendly states after February 22, 2022.

The order on getting such permissions has not been issued yet. Transactions with securities may be conducted at organized trading with the permission of the Russian Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance.

In addition, the decree also prohibits the export of foreign currency from Russia in excess of 10,000 US dollars.

2022-02-28 22:07